How to Mix Up Your Summertime Workouts
Who else is loving the long (and hopefully) sunny days? This is truly my favorite time of year and when I start craving fresh air, sunlight and spending as many of my waking hours outside as possible. This means I make my kids eat outside most nights even when they start complaining that "it's too hot".
Since I live in MInnesota, where the warm weather and long days are numbered, I take full advantage of moving my exercise routine outside. This past week I've skipped the more intense indoor gym workouts in favor of short runs, long walks and tennis (a sport I took up just a few years ago).
I love ending my day by taking my dog on a walk and, given where I live, this can happen close to 9pm at night. It's a bonus when I am joined by my husband or neighbor as it's also therapeutic to have another adult to talk with and share your highs and lows of the day. By doing this I am in a much calmer and happier state, which is the perfect way to end the day and unwind before falling asleep.
Here are my tips to make sure you prioritize movement and take your workout outside:
Move in the morning. Even if you're not a morning workout person I highly encourage starting your day with a 10-15 minute walk outside. For those of you with kids, it's nice to incorporate a little self-care before everyone else wakes up.
Set an alarm/schedule it in your calendar. Even if you're not going to a class, if you don't build it into your busy day it's likely that this will be the first thing to go when an unexpected curve ball is thrown your way.
Find a workout buddy. Since I typically reserve my spot in a class I need to find another way to hold myself accountable this time of year and finding a friend to join me or sign-up for a tennis drill is another great alternative.
Embrace your environment and live in the moment. Do you live near a lake, mountain, beach, running/biking trail? Take full advantage of any natural or man-made wonders that allow you to soak in the fresh air, move and just "be" in the present moment surrounded by natural beauty. You'll regret not enough these activities when it's cold and possibly snowy six months from now.
Engage your kids (for parents). Summer often means less time available to workout for parents who are with their kids all day. While I highly recommend working out before your kids are awake, I realize that this isn't always feasible. Here a few suggestions:
Bring your kids with you to your local high school track. I used to do this when my kids were younger. I'd bring a couple of balls/toys and they could play in the field area while I ran the track and the stadium stairs. They often liked to run with me and try new exercises. You can do many body weight exercises too, like squat jumps, burpees, lunges, pushups (using benches) etc. Download a free workout app (there are so many). I like to use the HIIT Time app but there are so many free options to try.
Take your kids on walks and bike rides, play at the park, run around your backyard etc. You can get plenty of exercise by just moving and playing with your kids.
Find a neighborhood tween to play with your kids while you do a 20-minute run/fast walk in between activities. Swap babysitting services with your neighbor so that you can each get your daily workout in this summer.
Instead of sitting around at every single practice, find another parent and go on a walk (or listen to a good podcast). I know many of us have guilt about not watching every game, practice, activity that our child does, but remind yourself that you are taking care of your health so that you can be vibrant and energized for your family and also set a good example for your child(ren).
Try some indoor options. I recently bought a rebounder (mini trampoline), which everyone in my house is using. It's not only super fun to bounce like a kid again, but it's a great cardiovascular exercise that also supports the lymphatic system (which transports immune cells throughout the body and supports immune function). Here is a great article from one of my favorite wellness gurus, WellnessMama about the benefits of rebounding.
Move 10K Steps Every Day. This should be your goal every day over going to an intense workout class. Don't stress about not getting to your favorite workout class as much as you do during the school year. Wear a tracking device (your phone will track steps if you don't have a fitbit/watch) and make sure you reach 10K steps per day. This is actually harder than you may think especially for anyone who sits at a desk or in the car for hours a day. Schedule breaks throughout the day by using your alarm/calendar to get up and move. Take a 15-20 minute walk at lunch and again after dinner. If you find yourself spending hours at your kids' sporting events in the evening, take the opportunity to grab a friend and walk around the fields to get in movement rather than sitting the entire time.
Go on an evening walk (before sitting on the couch). Maybe you've had a long day at work followed by evening activities and just want to unwind on the couch. Before you decide to open a bottle of wine/beer (or reach for a bag of chips), put on your comfy shoes and go on a walk. It truly is my favorite way to end my day this time of year. Plus, you may decide you no longer need that beverage or snack after getting fresh air and movement.