Why I chose not to detox this summer and how to tap into your intuition to optimize your health

"The more you trust your intuition, the more empowered you become, the stronger you become, the happier you become.”
– Gisele Bundchen

It seems counter intuitive to my goal of encouraging people to join the community detox program I run through The Art of Living Well podcast ®; however, my intention is always transparency and my mission is to meet you where you're at on your wellness journey. 

What I've learned from my 1:1 and small group coaching clients this summer is how many of you think about food and your physical body all the time, often beating yourself up over your choices and frustrated with why you can't lose weight.   You desire a life where you eat intuitively based on what your body needs to thrive, and have fewer cravings, no brain fog and more energy but are at a loss at how to achieve this state of mind.  You also long for a simple approach to eating consistently that you can follow without stress, guilt or shame.  You want to enjoy eating ice cream with your kids without beating yourself up and also eat nourishing and balanced meals to avoid your afternoon sugar/snack cravings.  Sometimes you are so restrictive during the week with your food and drink and that you then go all out on the weekends.  You also don't want to have FOMO (fear of missing out); you want to have fun with friends while being comfortable making decisions that will allow you to thrive.   I can relate to these struggles 100% and am here to help guide you to feel at peace.  

So why didn't I do the 7-day liver detox this summer (for the first time in three years)?  While part of me said "you need to detox" because of the alcohol I've consumed and how much I was eating out this summer, I ultimately listened to my inner voice.  When I sat still with my thoughts, my inner voice told me that being too restrictive with my food is counter intuitive to truly being in a state of optimum health.  This is a topic I've been unpacking in therapy over the last few months.  I also recognize the importance of being spontaneous and feeling pure joy living in the moment with my family. 

While on the outside a person may meet the societal ideal of being "healthy" and fit, that doesn't always translate into being in optimal health.  Our mental health is integral to living a life that is truly balanced in mind, body and spirit.  Obsessing and thinking about food and what you're going to eat all day every day and trying to control what you and others around you eat isn't healthy.  I've shared a few different "experiments" that I've done with my kids on social media over the past year and it's truly liberating to release this control.   On the flip side, just because you can eat whatever you want and still look "healthy", doesn't mean that you are or that your body will continue to function optimally for years to come.  

What I have realized in recent months is that over my lifetime I had become so focused on how my physical body looks and feels, which I connected to my self-worth, that I developed many characteristics of orthorexia.    Taking the summer "off" from the detox felt good.  It was liberating to acknowledge that I can still effectively guide and support clients through this amazing program without feeling obligated to do it myself.   I enjoyed more cheese, dessert and starchy carbs then I have in years and the best part was that I didn't beat myself up over these conscience choices.  

So how do you know if a detox or other clean eating program is right for you?

If your body is communicating with you through unwanted symptoms like brain fog, bloating, digestive issues, poor sleep, fatigue, afternoon energy dips, skin issues etc then it may be the time to consider joining our supportive community to take your health to the next level. 

Spend a few minutes in a quiet space and reflect on these questions. 

  • Do you find yourself grazing on processed foods (your kids' snacks) in the afternoon after skipping meals?

  • Would you like to stabilize your blood sugar to reduce the energy crash and brain fog that hits mid-afternoon?

  • Would you like to improve your digestion and reduce bloating, gas and other unwanted symptoms?

  • Does your body ache from joint pain?

  • Do you suffer from allergies and/or skin issues (including eczema and adult acne)?

  • Do you know that you should be drinking more water and eating more vegetables and protein but struggle to prioritize your nutrition?

  • Have you wondered about the power of food as medicine but skeptical that this could possibly be true?

  • Are you longing for a supportive community and guidance to help you stay accountable?

As a society we are led to believe that these unwanted symptoms are normal; however, they are far from normal and should not be ignored.    detox community is a safe space for you to do something that your future self will thank you for, trust me and trust the hundreds of clients who have experienced transformational results through this program.

So why am I ready to detox this fall?  After a very fun and social summer I recognize that I am not always eating intuitively, meaning that I'm often reaching for something sweet or crunchy after dinner when I'm not hungry and drinking more caffeine and wine on the weekends.  I have also learned how to modify the detox program to fit my physical and emotional needs and no longer do the two strict fasting days.  There are many ways to tweak the program so that it works for your body and your lifestyle.  

If you're interested in learning more about the 7-day functional medicine liver detox that I run with 1:1 clients or The Art of Living Well Podcast please email me to learn more or set up a time to chat.